Do You Know Draft 2 Digital+SPS=Love?

Did You Know…

Yes, that totally sounds like something from a decade-ago slogan for a television station, but… Seriously, did you know

A.    Self-Publishing Services (SPS) is a partner company of Draft 2 Digital?

a.     What is Draft 2 Digital?

            i.     (According to their website) When you publish a project through our service, you give us permission to do the sort of copying and distribution necessary to release your book at our digital stores, but we never gain control of those rights. And you can revoke that permission at any time.

b.     What does this mean??

               i.     Simply said, Draft 2 Digital is a distributor of e-books.

c.      Where do they distribute your book?

               i.     Walmart (YES, make our books available there, please!)

            ii.     Apple Books

iii. Kobo Plus

              iv.    Barnes & Noble

               v.     Kobo

               vi.     Tolino

              vii.     OverDrive

(Did someone say your books can be in libraries! SAY WHAT!? Mic Drop*)

            viii.     Bibliotheca

              ix.     Scribd

               x.     24Symbols

               xi.     Playster

d.     How much does it cost to distribute with Draft 2 Digital?

                i.     Here's the deal: There are no fees for formatting or distributing your book. When you sell a book, we both make money. We keep about 10% of the retail price. We don’t try to upsell you to some expensive services package or nickel-and-dime you for making changes to your e-book.

                ii.     You can list your ebook at whatever price makes you happy. It’s your call. You can even offer your book for free.

All of this being said, we are a proud to be a part of the future of Draft 2 Digital. We believe in their services as they believe in ours. Why?

In addition to all the awesome reasons above, discoverability is vital to being a self-published or indie author success story. Yes, we have heard of an author making hand-over-fist money from one sales platform in comparison to another, but such successes are rare without being widely available. There are many types of readers out there and as authors, our goals should be to get our books into the hands of any reader who wishes to buy our books.

Draft 2 Digital works hard to make sure that the sales platforms they distribute to are reputable, trust worthy, and vetted for the author. In the long run, just like the team at Self-Publishing Services, they are your allies as we are all just as invested in your success as you are.

Yes, we love to see our authors succeed. A million times over…Yes, we want you to kick buns out there in the in literary world.

If you have questions about our partner Draft 2 Digital, feel free to check them out or send us an email. Believe me, we will sing their praises!!

On the Draft 2 Digital note, we are going to be in Seattle this month at Emerald City Writers Conference teaching about the truth of money and writing with D2D’s author liaison, Dan Wood.  Dan is a Rockstar in every sense of the word. It has been our pleasure to teach with him for several years!

If you would like to check us out, we will be appearing at the Westin in Bellevue, Washington on Saturday, October 27th from 1:45-3:15 in the Lake Washington Room.

We hope to see you there!