Writing Coaching Packages
Help us help you.
We take pride in bringing out your voice.
3-month coaching package
Get six private, hour-long coaching sessions from one of our award-winning writers. Depending on your type of writing, we will evaluate several chapters of a book, several essays, or a complete short story. We will also answer any questions or concerns you have in between sessions. Ideal for shorter manuscripts.
Starting at: $600
6-Month Coaching package
We will help you discover what you need to create your best book, from plotting to developing character arcs to making sure you have enough conflict. In twelve one-on-one coaching sessions, we will read and evaluate sections of your work and provide detailed feedback. We will answer any questions or concerns you have between sessions, too. Ideal for full-length works.
Starting at: $1150
Retainer Coaching
Loved your first package, but don’t wish to purchase another one? Consider retainer coaching. You can tailor the time to fit your needs and receive ongoing evaluations of your work.
$100 per hour