"You're so pretty..."
Yeah, that's what people should say about your book's format.
Formatting Services
E-Book Formatting Up to 80,000 words
SPS will format for any of the digital platforms including: Amazon Kindle, Ingram/Spark, Barnes and Noble, Nook, Kobo, iBook, Scribd, Playster, OverDrive, Tolino, and 24Symbols.
Prices start at $150; manuscripts with additional requirements (images, footnotes, indexing, tables, non-text characters, or non-standard text treatment), will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Print book formatting up to 80,000 words
Make sure the print version of your book compares to any other paperback or hardback book in your genre. SPS will professionally format your manuscript for print through any of the standard platforms, including Amazon (formerly CreateSpace), Barnes and Noble, and Ingram/Spark.
Prices start at $150, and price is based on any additional requirements (like footnotes, indexing, tables, images, non-text characters, or non-standard text treatment, etc.).
Feeling kind of DIYish? Check out Kindlepreneur’s guide to formatting.
Please note: for every 500 words above 90,000 words in fiction, add 50 cents. (Example: The cost would be $150.50 for a print book manuscript of 90,500 words.)