Agents & Editors, oh my...
When you are ready to try your hand at getting your book into the traditional publishing market, you want to bring your best. We can help!
SPS also has premier access to agents in NYC who have agreed to review our clients’ manuscripts that meet their submission guidelines. If we feel your manuscript would be a good fit, we are happy to help you submit to these agents.
Submission Services
Query Letter Review
The first exposure an agent or editor has to your writing is your query letter. Self-Publishing Services can help you make it professional and effective without losing your voice. Our editor will review for content, effectiveness, and clarity as well as grammar, style, and punctuation.
Starting at: $200
First Three Chapters
Often, agents and editors will request the first three chapters with your submission. Make sure your chapters shine with a substantive edit from an SPS editor who will focus specifically on pacing, voice, and consistency. This service is for the first three chapters, up to 10,000 words.
Starting at: $200
Synopsis Review
Oh, the dreaded synopsis. You've condensed your entire story into a few pages, hit the high points, shown your characters' arcs, and did it all without losing your voice. Right? SPS is here to help you tighten your sentences, keep the pace moving, and highlight your unique style.
Starting at: $250
the full submission package
With the Full Submission Package, Self-Publishing Services will provide a substantive edit for your first three chapters, review your query letter, and help polish your synopsis. So you can breathe a little easier when you hit that "send" button.
Starting at: $600