Demystifying Metadata
Demystifying Metadata
How Authors Can Use It to Boost Book Sales
Metadata might sound like one of those intimidating, tech-heavy words that only publishing insiders need to worry about, but if you’re an author—especially a self-published one—understanding metadata is a game-changer. In a recent episode of the Everything Publishing Podcast, we sat down with Margaret Genevich, project manager and metadata specialist at Self-Publishing Services, to break down what metadata is, why it matters, and how to use it to make your book more discoverable.
What is metadata?
At its core, metadata is all the information surrounding your book that helps readers (and retailers) find it. This includes your book’s title, subtitle, author name, book description, ISBN, trim size, and—most importantly for discoverability—keywords and categories.
When you publish your book on Amazon or other platforms, the metadata you enter plays a crucial role in whether a potential reader ever lays eyes on it. The algorithm that determines which books appear in search results uses metadata to match a reader’s search terms to books that fit their criteria.
What we’re trying to tell you is: better metadata = better visibility = better sales.
The Power of Keywords and Categories
Two of the most critical metadata elements that authors control are keywords and categories. Here’s how to optimize them:
Categories are the digital bookshelves for Amazon and other retailers. Selecting the right categories can help your book stand out, especially in niche genres where competition is lower. One of the best tips we have is to use comp titles (books similar to yours) as a guide. Search for those books on Amazon and take note of which categories they appear in.
Amazon allows authors to select three categories, so the goal is to find a sweet spot—categories that are relevant to your book, not overly competitive, but still popular enough that people are searching for them. Being specific helps. Instead of simply selecting “Fiction,” drilling down into “Fiction > Mystery & Detective > Cozy > Animals” (if applicable) will put you in front of a more targeted audience.
Amazon provides seven keyword boxes where you can enter search terms that help potential readers find your book. But these aren’t just for single words—you should be entering keyword phrases that reflect how readers search for books.
Tips for keyword selection:
-Think like a reader: What would someone type into the search bar to find a book like yours?
-Use Amazon’s autocomplete feature: Start typing a phrase related to your book into the search bar and see what suggestions come up—this gives insight into what readers are searching for.
-Focus on relevance: Avoid stuffing your keywords with trendy but unrelated terms. Amazon prioritizes an accurate and helpful reader experience.
-Optimize your order: Margaret shared that the first three keyword boxes should contain full phrases describing your book (e.g., “fast-paced historical thriller” or “cozy mystery with a strong female lead”), while the last four can be used to include additional words from those phrases to maximize searchability.
Keeping Your Metadata Fresh
One of the biggest benefits of self-publishing is the ability to adjust and refine metadata over time. If your book isn’t performing as well as you’d hoped, revisiting your keywords and categories can make a big difference. As trends change, new keywords might emerge that better align with your book’s theme. Keeping an eye on bestseller lists and new releases in your genre can help identify fresh opportunities to refine your book’s positioning.
The Metadata Advantage
For authors who enjoy data and research (to each their own), diving into metadata can be a rewarding challenge. But for those who find the process overwhelming, outsourcing metadata optimization to experts (ahem, like the team at Self-Publishing Services!) can be a smart investment. Proper metadata setup can help your book rank higher in search results, get featured in “also bought” sections, and ultimately reach more readers.
At the end of the day, people can’t buy a book they can’t find. Metadata ensures that your book is in the right place at the right time for the right audience.
For more insights on self-publishing and book marketing, visit the Self-Publishing Services service options page or check out the Everything Publishing Podcast on your favorite streaming platform.