Tips for Writing a Stellar Book Blurb

It can often feel like an insurmountable task, taking the whole of your book and distilling it into a synopsis or book blurb. However, while both are important, a book blurb is something that will not only help draw in readers, but it helps your book stand out from the pack. So it’s important to craft one that highlights the hook and unique aspects of your book. So here are a few tips to keep in mind when crafting your book blurb.

Hook ‘Em Early

The temptation, when writing a book blurb, is to set the scene for the reader. Try to use the limited space you have on the back of your book to slowly hypnotize them and gradually pique their interest as you might do in the actual text of the book. That’s not how you want to craft your blurb. Think internet attention span rules (think TikTok or Snapchat or Vine) as you craft your blurb—you’ve got a few precious seconds to bring your reader in, so you want to hit them right out of the gate with the thing that makes your book special. This applies to fiction and non-fiction, too. While you obviously don’t want to give away any spoilers, use the blurb to give out the hook that you might deliver in an elevator pitch.

Let Them Know Where They’re Going

It can feel like a blurb is a place to really get scarce on the details. After all, we don’t want to give away the entire story, right? However, it’s important that the book blurb lets readers know what they’re in for. So provide your readers with a broad but enticing view of the journey they’ll embark upon in your book. Fiction or non-fiction, let the reader know the basic structure of the book. If you’re writing a fiction book, you can offer the reader a basic overview of the plot. Let them know the hook of the book, the setting and background, a broad look at the climax, and tease the conclusion at the ending. If your book is non-fiction, outline the problem you’re addressing, the basic premise of how you plan to help readers solve the problem, and the promise, hope, or direction you plan to leave your readers with at the conclusion of the book.

Keep It Simple

There can be a lot of temptation to do something unique and out-of-the-box when marketing your book. However, when it comes to the book blurb, the more you can stick to the traditional format, the better. Typically blurbs are 300-ish words, a few paragraphs that offer a basic outline of the book that highlight the unique aspects so target readers pick up the book. While there are exceptions to every rule, generally speaking, sticking to this basic format is the best choice as it gives your book the best chance on physical and digital bookshelves, as well as helps it play more nicely with search engine optimization (or SEO).

Remember Who Your Readers Are

While the cover is the thing that will catch a casual browser’s eye, the blurb is where you want to really draw in your readers. So remember who your target reader is, and what things they care about. Do your best to work in the best keywords into your blurb to help readers find your book when they’re browsing online, and don’t be afraid to call out things that would get your target readership excited about your book. Is your book following a popular trope (like a romance book with an enemies-to-lovers storyline), is it teaching more about ideas found in a popular movie, documentary, or famous incident (like Chernobyl or the Titanic), or ar you talking about a certain idea found within a non-fiction genre (like becoming debt-free in a finance book or healing childhood trauma in a psychology book). When you make sure your blurb calls out those key phrases and makes those important references, you’re helping your book perform better in online searches, and helping your target readers realize more quickly that they’ll be interested in what you have to say.

Ultimately, the best advice is to think of your book blurb as more of a trailer for your book, not an extension of it. You want to make it quick, highlight the things to get your readers interested, and let them know what they can expect should they pick up your book. But the best thing you can do if you’re not sure how to craft a solid blurb is to ask for help! Our team here at Self-Publishing Services is always ready to help you craft an amazing blurb, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us to talk about setting your book up for success. We even offer a free one-hour consultation to talk about your unique needs and how we can best partner with you. A book blurb doesn’t need to be scary, and we’re here to help!

Kendall Davis