6 Essential Resolutions for Writers

Another year is in the books. January is typically a time of reflection, as well as looking ahead at the year to come and laying out your resolutions and goals. Whether you left 2022 in a good place with all i’s dotted and t’s crossed or you’re hoping to turn a fresh page, these essential resolutions for writers will help make the most of the new year.

Define your goals

Whether in a journal, a conversation (take notes!) or an online document, lay out what you hope to achieve in the coming year. What are your goals for 2023? Plot the steps you will take to achieve them. Visualize the year ahead and plan your action items. Having a road map will help you get there.

Commit to a practice

Sometimes the hardest part of writing is just getting started. Many successful writers have shared their routines, with tips such as writing early in the morning each day, or committing to a daily word count. Examine what has worked well in your own practice. Is there a time of day or environment that resonates? Do you find inspiration from prompts before settling into your main project? Do what works for you, but do it consistently. 

Connect to a community

Writing doesn’t have to be a solitary endeavor. In fact, you can gain much by sharing your work with others, be it in a writing group, online community or via social media. Better yet, connecting with other writers and readers in your genre can help signal boost your work, while you can do the same favor for the other members of your writerly community. Not sure where to start? Connect with Self-Publishing Services about our author platform building services, which can help you to identify and connect with your audience on the platform where they’re most affinitive. 

Build a business plan

Ugh. Business?! Your authorial endeavors may feel purely creative, but the reality is, as a  self-published author, you are the proprietor of your own small business. If you have goals of how many books you’d like to sell or income you’d like to earn each month, you need a business plan. Yes, really. Luckily, SPS offers a free business plan template that can help take the headache out of getting started.

Explore new formats

Maybe you’ve published a novella, and want to embark on a full-length. Or your book is out in ebook and print, but you’ve heard audiobooks are the hot new thing. Adding new formats and platforms can help increase your reach and connect to new audiences. Take the time in the new year to get outside your comfort zone and try something new. Find out more about audiobooks including our best tips for self-recording a DIY audiobook.

Make time for self-care

This all sounds like a lot, but you don’t have to do it all at once. An important part of any creative endeavor is allowing for plenty of time to rest and recharge. While you’re planning all the things you hope to accomplish in 2023, think of what makes you feel replenished and motivated to tackle your next steps. Is it going for a walk? Reading a favorite book or magazine? Practicing mindfulness or meditation? Make sure to give yourself the necessary time and mental space to avoid burnout.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your publishing journey, get in touch

Julia Mullen Gordon