Give the Gift of Publication This Holiday Season

The holidays are here, and that means it’s time to start thinking about gifts for the people you love most. For those of us with a writer in our lives, it can feel a bit tricky trying to figure out the best gift option. We all love to unwrap a wonderful new set of our favorite pens, cute notebooks, or even a book or two by our favorite authors, but this year, why not kick it up a notch? You can give the writer in your life a gateway to achieve one of their biggest dreams as an author: publication.

As any writer will tell you, the road to completing a book is a long one. After pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into a book, it feels like there should be some magnificent prize waiting for you at the end, but the frustrating reality is, that’s often only the start of the work. Once you have a workable draft of your book ready to go, navigating the complicated world of traditional, self, or hybrid publishing can feel outrageously overwhelming. There is a steep learning curve, and for a lot of first-time authors, it can feel like too much to navigate.They either abandon their dream of publishing or rush through self-publishing themselves with disappointing results.

That’s where we can help. By giving the author in your life a gift card to Self-Publishing Services, you’re not just covering the cost of an editor or a cover designer. You’re helping them assemble a team of professionals that can make publishing feel less isolating and overwhelming while coming together to make the book of their dreams a reality.

What are some of the things our team at Self-Publishing Services can help your author friend or loved one accomplish? We have experts who can serve as writing coaches, helping authors to not only finish writing a draft of their book, but also to create the strongest draft possible. Just finishing a workable draft of a book is a huge undertaking, and writers oftentimes need someone in their corner helping them work through writer’s block, plot or character development struggles, or the basics of worldbuilding. A writing coach can help not only navigate but overcome those problems that stop a writer from creating an amazing book before they even really get started.

We have experts in marketing that can help your author loved one build a platform, creating realistic and reachable goals for scope and size of their reach. The internet is a big place, and figuring out how to find a little corner of the internet to call your own and connect with an audience of any size can be a real struggle. Our team is here to help create a plan and empower writers to build an authentic and dynamic presence online.

Of course, that’s only a small sample of how we can partner with an author. Our team is full of talented editors, cover designers, and even data-minded folks who can make your book sparkle inside and out while also helping you navigate confusing aspects of self-publishing like picking a self-publishing platform, understanding what it means to buy an ISBN, or learning what a BISAC is.

A gift card with Self-Publishing Services isn’t just a simple stocking stuffer. When you buy the writer in your life an SPS gift card, you’re assembling a powerful team that will rally around your loved one to support them and empower them to reach their goals. As cheesy as it sounds, it’s really the gift that keeps on giving. The world needs stories, and we’re ready to help the writer in your life tell theirs. So let’s get to work!

Julia Mullen Gordon