Building a Legacy

Sun setting over water.

We all have writers who made strong impacts on our lives. Whether it’s an author whose books found us in our formative years, or whose work outside of the book-writing space inspired us, we all know the strong impact an author’s legacy can have. 

As a new author, a legacy might feel like something you don’t need to worry about for many, many years. However, as you’re working to fulfill your dreams of writing a book, it’s important to think about how those dreams play into the authorial legacy you’re creating at the same time. 

It can be easy to shrug off any sort of legacy, especially if your publishing dreams are simply to be able to write books that you love, regardless of audience size. You might think, “I’m not trying to be famous, so I don’t need to think about a legacy.” The thing is, every author leaves behind some sort of legacy, whether they are world-renowned or an author loved by a small, loyal group of readers. 

The place to start when it comes to thinking about your legacy is thinking about what your dreams are as an author. Try clearly articulating them for yourself, and consider writing your dreams down in a place you can revisit often. Obviously, your dreams will evolve and change as you grow into your role as a writer, and that’s okay! This is just a starting place. Your dreams can be anything in relation to your career as an author. Maybe it’s how many books a year you want to publish, a book sales goal, or a place  you want to carry your books—all are great dreams! What can make a truly profound impact on a reader is an author  who isn’t just focused on their personal dreams, but how they can change the lives of their readers. 

So as you consider your dreams of best-sellers and major motion picture adaptations, consider how your actions impact your readers as well. What kind of feelings do you want them to have when they finish one of your books? What do you want your words to inspire them to do or pursue? When they tell friends and family about your books, why do you want them to say your work has been important to them? 

Keeping your legacy in mind can not only help inform your actions and choices as a writer, but it can also help you as you work to build your platform. Do you want your legacy to be one where you are very available for your readers to reach out to and seek advice? Or perhaps do you want to be known as an author to whom readers can come when the world feels overwhelming and find content that always brightens their spirits? Do you want to be the type of author who spends a lot of time in-person with your readers? Or perhaps do you want your personal life to be fairly off-limits, letting  your written work speak for itself.

The good thing about a legacy is there isn’t a right or wrong answer. It’s important to remember that every move you make as an author is adding the building blocks to your legacy. Intentional steps will help you build a legacy that works for you. Be mindful of the way you present yourself online, the way you interact with your readers, the types of books you bring into the world, and the dreams you chase–all are key parts of building a writing career you love and a legacy that makes you feel proud. 

Julia Mullen Gordon