Marketing for Authors: Learn to Hate it Less

As authors, we have a few unique challenges when it comes to marketing. First, many of us are introverts who suffer from impostor syndrome. The idea of a) talking to people and b) telling them how great your book is feels…icky. Even if you’re just doing it over social media. Cue the standing-naked-in-the-lunchroom nightmares. Second, the advent of self-publishing, while a fantastic advancement in a lot of ways, means that competition is fierce. Making yourself heard in the current environment is hard without a big budget. Third, and this is a global marketing issue, audiences are exceptionally fragmented thanks to rapidly evolving social media, streaming entertainment, and the digital revolution in general. Again, it’s hard to cover such a broad scope without a significant investment.

Here’s the good news: you don’t have to stumble through it blind and alone. We have a free plan that you can implement to help build your platform.

But first, let me lay out a few caveats:

  1. The number one most important aspect of your marketing is the quality of your book. I’m going to say it louder for the people in the back. YOU HAVE TO START WITH A GOOD BOOK. Invest in editing. Invest in learning the craft. Invest in yourself. The momentum of a good book multiplies your marketing budget. By a lot.

  2. The number two most important aspect of your marketing is the quality of your cover. Do you need me to shout about that, too? MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A GOOD COVER THAT FITS YOUR GENRE. Too much? I don’t think so.

  3. Prepare for trial and error. There is no magic formula in marketing. The basics are always the same: good product + well-defined audience + carefully crafted messaging + proper channels = good chance of returns. But that’s a whole lot of variables. If you’re off in just one area, you won’t see the results you’re hoping for.

  4. Commit to the long haul. There’s really no such thing as an overnight success story, so don’t expect that your marketing plan, even if it is well-researched and crafted, will bring you immediate results. Or at least, it won’t catapult you to bestseller status instantly. Celebrate the incremental successes.

Wow, that’s a lot of doom and gloom. I’m supposed to be making you hate marketing less. How about this: I promise that if you do the research and lay your plans out, it will get easier. You will become adept at seeing the little opportunities that can make a big difference. Once you have the hang of it, you’ll at least be able to tolerate it. And once you start seeing results, you may just come to love it.

So, about this free marketing plan. You can find it here. If you have any questions, please reach out. We’re happy to help.