We recently launched the Everything Publishing Podcast where we talk about...everything publishing. But now, we're rolling out something even more exciting. It's called BookSnips and we want to feature authors reading the first chapters of their books.
If you would like to participate, pick your newest (or your favorite) book that is available for sale, record yourself reading your first chapter, and send it to us using the form below. We'd also love to include a brief interview with you so listeners can get to know you better.
In your recording, include answers to the following questions:
What inspired you to become an author?
How did you get the idea for this book?
Who plays you in the biopic of your life?
What book would you compare this to?
For featured authors, we will include links to your books for sale, and we'll talk about you and your book when we release the podcast (ideally weekly). We've got some general guidelines for you to follow when recording. Click the button below for those. If you have any questions, please reach out!